Posts tagged Tuesday Tips
Tuesday Tip #15: How To Create A Social Media Calendar

Raise your hand if you’re fed up with social media! Just when you think you’ve figured out the secret to success in growing your fan base and increasing engagement … BAM! … another algorithm change is announced. Not to mention, it’s one that will turn your current strategy completely upside-down. Ugggghhhh.

A social media calendar will help you stay on point. Yes, it will take some work on the front end but that work will pay dividends in the end. By strategizing and outlining your posts in advance, you’ll drastically reduce the daily stress that comes with managing social media accounts. In this post, we’ll teach you how to put together your first social media calendar!

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Tuesday Tip #14: 5 Tips To Balance Your Work And Life

We know it’s hard and we’re totally guilty of overworking and underplaying. However, we truly believe in the value of relationships and family ... and know how precious our time really is. We’ve restructured our way of life to ensure we have a work life balance. In this post, we’ll five super easy tips that anyone can incorporate into their daily routine starting today!

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Tuesday Tip #13: 3 Ways To Come Up With Blog Post Topics

You stare at that little blinking cursor against a blank white document and the frustration builds. Writer’s block. The minutes gradually pass and, before you know it, an hour or two goes by. Still nothing. Now you’re really getting pissed off.

Does this situation sound familiar? Yup. We’ve been there, too. However, we have a few techniques that help us break through writer’s block. For today’s Tuesday Tip, we’re going to share three different ways we come up with topics for the LMG blog. Bookmark this post and never suffer through the creative process ever again.

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Tuesday Tip #12: How To Get Found In Google Searches

It’s the dream of every website owner to rank on the first page of Google search results. The truth is, however, achieving Page 1 Status requires some work. Owning a domain and a website are simply not enough. Your website needs to be optimized for search. Needless to say, there’s a lot to know when it comes to SEO. For today’s Tuesday Tip, we’re going to unpack four things you can do to help you small business website get found on Google.

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Tuesday Tip #7: Be Authentic

Over the weekend, my husband and I went out for Mexican food. I couldn’t help but laugh that the restaurant claimed to be serving authentic Mexican food. Being a frequent traveler to Mexico, this food was anything but authentic. This got me thinking about marketing, of course, and the importance of keeping it real.

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