Posts in Web Design
4 Easy Ways To Capture Leads On Your Website

Think of your website as a salesperson who works for you 24/7. Have you equipped this salesperson with all of the necessary tools to ace their job? Not only should your website contain a wealth of interesting and helpful content for visitors, but it should also serve as a portal for capturing new leads! In this blog post, we’re going to share a few easy ways to do this.  

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15 Reasons Why Your Small Business Needs A Website

We get it. Some businesses just can’t afford the thousands of dollars it typically takes to design a website. That’s why we’ve created our Mini Website package. It’s the perfect way to establish a professional online presence in a budget-friendly way. The best part? The Mini Website can be built upon in the future as your business becomes more profitable! Sound awesome? Check out these 15 reasons why you should go for it today!

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Tuesday Tip #12: How To Get Found In Google Searches

It’s the dream of every website owner to rank on the first page of Google search results. The truth is, however, achieving Page 1 Status requires some work. Owning a domain and a website are simply not enough. Your website needs to be optimized for search. Needless to say, there’s a lot to know when it comes to SEO. For today’s Tuesday Tip, we’re going to unpack four things you can do to help you small business website get found on Google.

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5 Tips For Marketing Your New Small Business Online

Our friend Audra recently launched a new photography business in Tampa, FL. Using the know-how from her full-time marketing job, she was able to quickly build up a clientele and strong social media presence. We asked her to share some highlights from her success so we could, in turn, share them with you! So here they are … Audra’s five tips for marketing your new small business online.

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