20 Blog Post Topic Ideas For The Boudoir Photographer


Hello, boudoir photographers! Today we have a lovely little treat for you. Earlier this week we published a post about blogging: 6 Characteristics Of A Kick-Ass Blog. (If you’ve been following us for awhile, you know we’re HUGE advocates of blogging.)

Our recent post got us thinking … what topics would be interesting for a boudoir photographer to write about? What kind of content would entice new clients to read more and educate themselves on your website? So we made a list! (Like blogging, we also love lists. 😏) Here it is: 20 Blog Post Topic Ideas For The Boudoir Photographer!

1. What To Wear For Your Boudoir Photography Session

2. Eating, Drinking, Sleeping, Skincare … Everything You Need To Know About Prepping For Your Boudoir Photography Session

3. To Tan Or Not To Tan: How Tanning Can Impact Your Boudoir Photography Photos

4. Should I lose weight prior to my boudoir shoot?

5. Boudoir Photography Hair And Makeup: Go Pro Or No?

6. This is YOUR session. Stop comparing yourself to others.

7. Why You Shouldn’t Go Pinterest Crazy Before Your Boudoir Photography Session

8. How To Make A Playlist For Your Boudoir Photography Sesh

9. Adding Props To Make Your Boudoir Session Unique

10. How To Make A Pinterest Inspiration Board For Your Boudoir Photography Session

11. What is a boudoir photo shoot?

12. What To Bring To A Boudoir Photo Shoot

13. What To Expect During From A Couples Boudoir Photography Session

14. Your privacy matters. The things you should know prior to signing a contract with a boudoir photographer.

15. How To Pick A Boudoir Photographer

16. 10 Questions To Ask A Boudoir Photographer During Your Consult

17. Eeeek! Do I have to get naked for my boudoir photography shoot?

18. The 5 Tips I Give To Every Client

19. How much does a boudoir photography session cost?

20. My Favorite Props To Use During A Boudoir Shoot

Hope these ideas inspire you to write something as amazing as you are!

Need a little help getting your blog going? We’ve got just the guide for you!