The Little Marketing Genius

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How do I increase organic traffic to my website?

Your mom is going to visit your website. Your dog would definitely visit your website if he could use the computer. Strangers though? They need a reason to come visit your website. Wanting more organic traffic is pretty much a common theme amongst website owners. So how do you achieve that?

1. Make sure you have a specific goal for your website.

Do you want to book more appointments? Grow your list of subscribers? Sell your product? Pick one goal and design your website around it. The main navigation and any CTAs you use should all work toward achieving that goal. For example, if your goal is to book more appointments then you darn well better have several Book Now buttons on your homepage!

Designing a website without a plan is like trying to bake without using a recipe. Throwing a bunch of ingredients haphazardly into a bowl simply won’t work. That said, the first ingredient on every website recipe needs to be a clearly defined goal.

Goals to consider:

  • Book more appointments

  • Grow my email list

  • Sell my product or service online

  • Drive more foot traffic to my store

2. Know your target audience like the back of your hand.

Once you have the goal of your website locked down, next comes the heavy lifting. It’s a step in the design process that many people wish they could skip … persona research.

“A buyer persona is a research-based profile that depicts a target customer. Buyer personas describe who your ideal customers are, what their days are like, the challenges they face and how they make decisions.”

(Social Media Today)

Researching and building your buyer persona(s) is a critical step of the website design process. Once you know exactly who it is you want visiting your website, you’ll have a much better handle on what it takes to get and keep them there. Your website needs to be a happy place for your target buyer persona. The messaging should speak to them in a language and style they can relate to. The content you provide should be very valuable to them.

“First, show your potential customers that you get them by addressing their pain or need - only then, will they be open to exploring what you have to offer.”

(Social Media Today)

Another plus to fleshing out your buyer persona(s) is you’ll gain insight on where and how they seek information. Are there certain blogs they subscribe to? What websites do they go to for information? Are there specific keywords they’re using in Google searches? Knowing where your buyer persona is hanging out online makes it much easier to get your website in front of them.


Once you know exactly what your dream client looks like, you’ll never make the mistake of taking on (or marketing to) a nightmare client again. Download our FREE Client Persona Builder tool today.

3. Perform keyword research.

If you want your website to have a chance of ranking in Google search results, then you need to do a little keyword research. Researching ideas for keywords is not rocket science either! You can get ideas from current customers or clients by simply asking them how they’d search for topics related to your business on Google.

You can also perform a little brainstorming session of your own. Open up a blank Word or Google doc and start typing as many search words or phrases you can think of as it relates to your business. After you have your list, start plugging your ideas into the Google search box. When you do this, you’ll notice at the bottom of the results page there is a list of other related searches. Add these to your list as well.

With your keywords plotted out, you can now craft your copywriting for SEO!

Read HubSpot’s Tips for Keyword Optimizing the Most Critical Parts of Your Website

4. Start blogging.

Blogging is a great way to get your small business found on Google. Each time you publish a new blog post, you’re adding a new page to your website that will eventually be indexed. This equates to more opportunities for you to show up in search results!

Your blog should provide value to your target buyer persona by answering their questions and offering up solutions. It should be educational … not sales-y.

A blog is the perfect way to showcase and share your industry knowledge with your audience. When you develop interesting and informative content based on your own expertise and experience it not only positions you as a thought leader, but also creates a fantastic opportunity to share something with your social networks.

Pro Tip! Consider guest blogging on a blog that your buyer personas like to frequent!

Download our free step-by-step guide to blogging!

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Implement these four strategies and watch as organic traffic to your website begins to increase. Remember, content is king. Keep those visitors wanting to come back for more!